Jennifer Vandercook’s appointment to the Junior League of Nashville – Management Team

The Junior League of Nashville (JLN) appointed Jennifer Vandercook to serve on the management team as Vice President of Community Needs for year 102 of the organization. The management team works with the board of directors to advance women’s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration and training.

Jennifer, a Florida native, has been involved with Junior League since 2014, originally with the Junior League of Atlanta. This past year, she served as the Needs of Nashville Chair, a committee within the Community Council. In that role, Jennifer helped lead the process of selecting the new focus areas for Junior League service in the community for the next few years. She and the team conducted stakeholder research with nonprofits in Nashville, analyzed hundreds of survey results and recommended community needs where the League can have an impact. The team then reviewed potential partner agency grant applications and narrowed down from 62 to 12 who would get regular volunteers.

A graduate of the University of Alabama, Jennifer has diverse experience in architecture and interior design in the multi-family/hospitality, private residential homes and retail markets. In addition to the Junior League of Nashville, Jennifer is on the board of directors for Family and Children’s Service and has volunteered for various organizations across the country including, Center for the Visually Impaired (Atlanta), Boys and Girls Club and McNeilly Center for Children.

Jennifer credits her mom for her passion for serving the community and joining the Junior League, her mom is a member of the Junior League and past Assistance League.

Founded in 1922 by women committed to serving the Nashville community in a volunteer capacity, today, JLN has almost 1500 members and remains committed to developing the potential of women as leaders and grassroots volunteers. Continuing their decades-long focus on children and the Nashville community, the Junior League of Nashville developed new initiatives to alleviate poverty and impact literacy, beginning in June of 2023.

To learn more about the Junior League of Nashville, visit –

Junior League of Nashville - Jennifer Vandercook